
I publish as much as possible in Open Access. You can access my publications by clicking on the title. 

When the publication is not available in Open Access, I also provide, where possible, the link to its preprint or postprint version. 


Philosophie du changement climatique. Éthique, politique, nature is my second book; I have coedited it with Lisa Broussois and Augustin Fragnière. It brings together several philosophical perspectives on climate change, with one general introduction to the fields of climate justice and climate ethics and three specific introductions for each part of the volume. It was published in 2023 by Vrin, the leading French publisher in philosophy.

Penser la justice climatique. Devoirs et politiques is my first book. It was published in 2018 by Presses Universitaires de France (PUF), the leading French publisher in humanities. 

Book reviews:

Articles published in academic journals

Bourban, Michel. 2023. “Ecological Cosmopolitan Citizenship”, Future Humanities 1 (1): 1–21 (Open Access).

Bourban, Michel and Desmons, Ophélie. 2023. “Une démocratie libérale peut-elle faire face au changement climatique ? Penser la question écologique dans un cadre rawlsien”, Studia Philosophica 82 : 94– 109 (Open Access).

Bourban, Michel. 2021. “Strong Sustainability Ethics”, Environmental Ethics 43 (4): 291–314 (you can access the article here).

Bourban, Michel. 2021. “Rawls et Rousseau : liberté, citoyenneté et stabilité”, Revue de métaphysique et de morale 112 (4): 545–565 (Open Access).

Bourban, Michel and Rochel, Johan. 2021. “Synergies in Innovation: Lessons Learnt from Innovation Ethics for Responsible Innovation”, Philosophy & Technology  34 (2): 373394 (Open Access).

Bourban, Michel and Broussois, Lisa. 2020. “The Most Good We Can Do or the Best Person We Can Be?Ethics, Policy & Environment 23 (2): 159179 (you can access the article here).

Bourban, Michel and Broussois, Lisa. 2020. “Nouvelles convergences en éthique environnementale et en éthique animale : vers une éthique climatique non anthropocentriste”, VertigO 32 : 1–29 (Open Access).

Bourban, Michel. 2019. “Croissance démographique et changement climatique : repenser nos politiques dans le cadre des limites planétairesLa pensée écologique 3 (1) : 19–37 (Open Access)

Bourban, Michel. 2017. “Justice climatique et négociations internationalesNégociations 27 (1): 7–22 (Open Access). 

André, Pierre and Bourban, Michel. 2016. “Éthique et justice climatique : entre motivations morales et amoralesLes ateliers de l’éthique/The Ethics Forum 11 (2) : 4–27 (Open Access).

Bourban, Michel. 2014. “Vers une éthique climatique plus efficace : motivations et incitationsLes ateliers de l’éthique/The Ethics Forum 9 (2) : 4–28 (Open Access).

Bourban, Michel. 2014. “Climate Change, Human Rights and the Problem of MotivationDe Ethica 1 (1): 37–52 (Open Access).

Chapters published in edited volumes

André, Pierre, Bourban, Michel, Voiron, Ilias. 2025. "Justice climatique", in Kristanek, Maxime (ed.), l'Encyclopédie philosophique: 1–21 (Open Access).

Bourban, Michel. 2024. “Eco-Anxiety: A Philosophical Approach”, in Allegrante, John P., Hoinkes, Ulrich, Schapira, Michael I. and Struve, Karen  (eds.), Anxiety Culture: The New Global State of Human Affairs, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press: 55–69 (you can access the chapter here).

Bourban, Michel. 2023. “Mitigation Duties”, in Pellegrino, Gianfranco and Di Paola, Marcello (eds.), Handbook of the Philosophy of Climate Change, Cham: Springer:  721– 758 (you can access the chapter here).

Bourban, Michel. 2023. “Ecological Citizenship”, in Wallenhorst, Nathanaël and Wulf, Christoph (eds.), Handbook of the Anthropocene: Humans between heritage and Future, Cham: Springer: 1023–1027 (you can access the chapter here).

Bourban, Michel. 2023. "Climate Ethics" in Wallenhorst, Nathanaël and Wulf, Christoph (eds.), Handbook of the Anthropocene: Humans between heritage and Future, Cham: Springer: 551–556 (you can access the chapter here)

Bourban, Michel. 2023. Eco-Anxiety and the Responses of Ecological Citizenship and Mindfulness, in Kassiola, Joel J. and Luke, Timothy W. (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Environmental Politics and Theory. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan: 65– 88 (Open Access).

Bourban, Michel. 2023. “Rawls et la discussion de l'individualisme libéral : vers une reconnaissance de la diversité ?”, in Lauvau, Geoffroy et Sosoe, Lukas K. (ed.), Trajectoire de l'humanisme moderne, Paris: L'Harmattan: 167-192.

Bourban, Michel. 2022. “Éthique climatique”, in Wallenhorst, Nathanaël and Wulf, Christoph (eds.), Humains. Un dictionnaire d'anthropologie prospective, Paris: Vrin: 224232 (you can access the chapter here).

Bourban, Michel. 2022. “Ethics, Energy Transition, and Ecological Citizenship”, in Letcher, Trevor (ed.), Comprehensive Renewable Energy (2nd edition), Vol. 9, Oxford: Elsevier: 204220 (you can access the chapter here).

Bourban, Michel. 2021. “Climate Justice in the Nonideal Circumstances of International Negotiations”, in Kenehan, Sarah and Katz, Corey (eds.), Principles of Justice and Real-World Climate Politics, London/New York: Rowman & Littlefield: 59–88 (you can access the chapter here).

Bourban, Michel. 2021. “Promoting Justice in Global Climate Policies”, in Laurent, Éloi and Zwickl, Klara (eds.), Routledge Handbook of the Political Economy of the Environment, New York, Routledge: 226–242 (you can access the chapter here).

Baatz, Christian and Bourban, Michel. 2019. “Distributing Scarce Climate Adaptation Finance Across Small Island Developing States: Effectiveness, not Efficiency”, in Klöck, Carola and Fink, Michael (eds.), Dealing with Climate Change on Small Islands: Towards Effective and Sustainable Adaptation? Göttingen: Göttingen University Press: 77–99 (Open Access).

Bourban, Michel and Lauvau, Geoffroy. 2016. “Les petits États insulaires : peut-on compenser la perte d’un territoire ?”, in Renaut, Alain et al. (eds.), Inégalités entre globalisation et particularisation. Paris : PUPS : 631–649 (you can access the chapter here). 

Bourban, Michel. 2016. “Nouvelles questions de justice climatique”, in Papaux, Alain and Zurbuchen, Simone (eds.), Philosophy, Law and Environmental Crisis / Philosophie, droit et crise environnementale. Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag : 61–68 (you can acces the chapter here). 

Bourban, Michel. 2015. “Justice climatique”, in Bourg, Dominique and Papaux, Alain (eds.), Dictionnaire de la pensée écologique. Paris : PUF : 581–583 (you can access the chapter here)

Bourban, Michel and Zurbuchen, Simone. 2014. “Justice globale”, in Hervouët, François et al. (eds.), Dictionnaire Encyclopédique de l’État. Paris : Berger-Levrault : 579–584 (you can acces the chapter here)

Book reviews

Bourban, Michel. 2021. Review of Ziegler, Rafael. 2020. Innovation, Ethics and our Common Futures. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, Prometheus – Critical Studies in Innovation 37 (3): 311–314 (Open Access).

Bourban, Michel. 2016. Review of Godard, Olivier. 2015. La justice climatique mondiale. Paris : La Découverte” La vie des idées, November 23 2016 : 1–5 (Open Access). 

Other publications

Francis, Bennet, Lenzi, Dominic, and Bourban, Michel. 2023. "Key Messages for the Ethical Governance of Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) Research". TechEthos: Deliverable to the European Commission (Open Access).

Francis, Bennet, Lenzi, Dominic, and Bourban, Michel. 2023. "Key Messages for the Ethical Governance of Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)". TechEthos: Deliverable to the European Commission (Open Access).

Jabold, Benjamin et al. 2023. "UT Sustainability Transformation. Catalysing Inclusive Pathways for Change". Green Hub Twente: Defining Sustainability at UT (Open Access)

Future publications

I am currently working on two book projects. The first is a monograph entitled Eco-Anxiety and Ecological Citizenship. This book develops a philosophical approach to eco-anxiety to analyse the mental health issues raised by global ecological changes. It also explains how to address eco-anxiety by drawing on the literature on climate justice and citizenship theory, adopting a virtue ethics approach highlighting character traits that help to live with eco-anxiety. The second project is also a monograph, entitled Cosmopolitan Citizenship and Ecological Citizenship: Political Community in the 21st Century. This book investigates two separate models of post-national citizenship, cosmopolitan citizenship and ecological citizenship, and explain how their reconciliation would help to think about the responsibilities of citizens in the 21st century. 

I also have several papers under development, some of which have been recently accepted for publication, some of which are under revision. The topics I'm writing on include eco-anxiety, ecological citizenship, limitarianism, innovation ethics, and the ethics of carbon dioxide removal.