Outreach Activities

Since I carry out research on many topics in applied ethics and applied political philosophy, I regularly engage in outreach activities through conferences for the general public, press articles and interviews, and television and radio debates. I believe that it is crucial to engage with the public by discussing on urgent ethical and political problems, such as climate change, technological innovation, and animal welfare. 

Here are three short videos in which I present my reseach on climate justice and climate ethics:

Press articles

Game of Drones (23.01.2014) 

Presentations in the media

You can watch here two TV debates in which I took part on RTS (Radio Télévision Suisse), "Drones de guerre" (09.2013) and "Climat: changer de paradigme pour sauver la planète?" (11.2015). You can also listen to an interview, also on RTS, "Lutte contre le changement climatique" (03.2019)

Presentations for the general public 

“The Demands of Sustainability”, Green Hub & Living Room Philosophy, University of Twente, 10.2022.

"What's an Environmental Citizen?", Greenpeace Oxford, 03.2021 (virtual talk).

Penser l’urgence climatique”, Alternatiba Léman, Uni Mail, Geneva, 10.2019. 

Penser la justice climatique”, Citéphilo, Librairie Internationale V.O., Lille, 11.2018. 

Philosophie du changement climatique”, closing ceremony of the Master of Arts, Lausanne, 11.2017. 

“Questions de justice climatique”, Café citoyen : Devons-nous repenser notre rapport à la nature ? La philosophie et la question environnementale, Café L’Aubier, Neuchâtel, 04.2016. 

“La justice climatique”, ORPHI, University of Lausanne, 10.2014. 

“Introduction à l’éthique climatique”, États Généraux de philosophie (Lausanne, Maison de quartier sous gare), 09.2013. 

Other Activities

Member of the scientific committee for the Popular Initiative on Glaciers by the Swiss Association for the protection of the climate (since 2018)

Member of the NGO Swiss Youth For Climate since 2015

Alumni member of the Swiss Study Foundation (regular member since 2011)

Signatory to the open letter to the French President Emmanuel Macron "A Call to Act on the Causes of Pandemics", published  in January 2021 by the Association L214.

Scientific expert for the Swiss start-up Ethix – Lab for Innovation Ethics (09.2017 - 02.2020)

Member of the Association Le Forum des 100 for the 2019 annual conference on the topic “Ecological Transition: Time to Act” 

Observer for ProClim − Forum for Climate and Global Change at the 21st UN climate summit in Paris (COP21 2015).